Jenna offers riding lessons to a range of people and disciplines.
Currently completing EA Level One Dressage and EA Level One General, already obtained EA Intro General Coach, Level C Pony Club instructor and NCAS Level 1.
Depending on the individual, lessons can start from the age of 4-5 years. Never been on a horse? Novice? Advanced? All riding levels are catered for. Ground work is encouraged to be learnt, but not compulsory. Natural Horsemanship, traditional and modern techniques are used and taught as well as General Principles of riding. Jenna believes in teaching a student to control a horse with their seat and not their hands. Students will learn how to ride, not just look like they know how to ride.
Horses are available to ride at Equine Intelligence, you may bring your horse to Equine Intelligence or lessons are available at your place on your own horses.

Riding Lessons

Horse Training
Just had your horse started? Need a little help? Wanting to start in a discipline but not sure how? Has your horse been spelled for a while and has a new attitude?
Having your horse trained helps you to get to where you want to be quicker. Whether it is collection, long and low, how to stand still, laterals, spelled attitude or just manners, Jenna offers training for all horses.
Jenna’s aim is to help produce a horse that is soft and responsive, that will respect you and your aids. A horse that will yield to pressure and go forward.Western, Dressage, Pleasure, Pony Club....

Horse Agistment
Horse Agistment available in large 80 acre paddock.
Loads of grass all year round, lots of shade and good ground. Even in the driest of times, we still have lush green grass. Large round yard, flat riding areas, jumps and direct access to unlimited trails in State and National Forest right at the door step. Located in Coondoo, 5 mins from Kin kin, 22 mins from Pomona, 15 mins Cootharaba, 30 mins Gympie.
Please contact Jenna to see what facilities and services are currently at offer.
Whether your horse has been handled or sitting in the paddock, when it begins to be broken in correctly you will see a transformation in it immediately.
Ground work is a must. Grounds skills, manners and laterals are all taught on the ground before Jenna teaches them while on their back. If they don’t understand you while you’re on the ground, how will they know what you are talking about while on their back?
We long line, pony off another horse on trails and the commence ridden work in the round yard. Once going safely in round yard we will head out on trails and get them going straight and forward. We then head into the arena and work of softness and suppleness, leg aids and responsiveness.
Owners are encouraged to have 2 lessons (included in price) before the horse heads home.
SUD takes approx 8 weeks for a standard horse.

Starting under Saddle
Boot Camp (Problem Solving.)
Is your horse just not getting it? Have you tried and it’s still not getting it? Boot Camp might be just in order. Often when you think your horse has a problem, the problem has nothing to do with what you thought it was.
Jenna doesn’t just try and fix the problem - she finds the cause of the problem and translates from that. Often if your horse throws its head a lot, or can’t stand still, it’s head or it’s legs has nothing to do with the problem. Horses are smart, and if you can understand what the horse is telling you from its behavior, then you will find the cause of the problem. Minimum 3 weeks.

Boot Camp

Clinics! Adults & Kids
School Holiday Fun! Fun Day Clinics are every school holidays!
3 round robin, flat work, jumping and games. Morning tea provided, sausage sizzle for lunch and a casual trail ride after lunch. Parents are welcome for the trail. Books are essential.
Adult Clinics are run the same. One Clinic every few months. Bookings are essential.